Low Profile Secondary Seal
Low-Profile Secondary Seal provides the lowest vertical profile with maximum working range, giving owners and operators the ability to optimize the usable working capacity of their tanks.
For a typical floating roof configuration, the Capacity+ can potentially provide thousands of barrels of product capacity gains per tank turnover.
Equipped with a robust, PTFE-wrapped wiper tip, and critical components manufactured from high-strength, hardened spring steel, the Capacity+ provides the best blend of desired features to combat challenging operational conditions, wide variable rim gaps, and tank shell abnormalities while also maximizing product levels.
Additionally, the Capacity+ has been designed with installation-friendly features to minimize time and optimize safety, all at an economical price with the best lead time and warranty in the industry.
Checkout our floating roof Seals production.
Key Features:
- Extruded, robust two-point wiper tip with 20-mil cross-reinforced PTFE wrap
- High-strength, spring-steel mechanical components
- Sealing performance and flexibility ensures a tight fit against the tank shell with virtually no gapping and water-shedding capabilities
- Installed while tank remains in-service or out-of-service
- Low profile with maximum horizontal working range
- Wide material compatibility, featuring multiple vapor fabric options
- Satisfies the California South Coast Air Quality Management District requirement for optimal classification as a Category “A” secondary seal.
Key Benefits:
- Superior abrasion resistance
- Customized components provide a continuous, worry-free operation while allowing for maximum product capacity, zero-gap right fit and a long service life
- Highly resilient and chemically compatible wiper tip. Designed to function in almost all conditions, maintaining a tight fit against general tank abnormalities.
- Excellent support plate compression ensures a tight fit across the entire working range
- Premium, independently certified materials with full traceability
- Simple, safe and fast installation with all-bolted connections, pre-punched fabric and pre-punched, pre-wrapped wiper tip.
- Suitable for a broad range of service conditions, tank shell conditions, stored products, and floating roof types